Meeting the Education and Workforce Training Demands in our Community
The COM Bond 2023 is Phase 2 of the COMPASS 2025 Master Plan created to propel our communities
forward. Aimed at meeting the booming regional demand for higher education and workforce training, we
will continue to create better jobs, reduce crime and ensure prosperity for decades to come. Together, we will continue building on the successes of the recently completed 2018 Phase 1. Please take a few minutes to learn more so that you can make your vote with confidence!

Building on a History of Success
Phase 1, which was completed on time and budget, included newly constructed buildings that provide collaborative, technologically advanced learning environments. These modern facilities are serving students in high-demand career fields such as nursing, pharmacy tech, engineering and petrochemical operations – just to name a few.

Higher Paying Jobs, Higher Quality of Life
Creating affordable best-in-class educational opportunities for students of any income level raises the standard of living for the entire community. This leads to better jobs, lower crime and higher home values for everyone. Data shows that 68% of alumni from two-year colleges remain in the area, so supporting a college near you increases prosperity in the whole region.

Low Tax Increase Today, High Long-Term Reward
Improving our region’s economic outlook for decades to come does not come at a high cost to our individual taxpayers. In fact, COM Bond 2023 costs only 63 cents per week or $33 per year on a home valued at $100,000, less exemptions. The future benefits, however, will create lasting rewards for decades to come.
New Construction, New Opportunities
Building on the on-time and on-budget momentum of Phase 1, COM Bond 2023 includes a blend of new construction and renovations to existing facilities. These additions create affordable, best-in-class educational opportunities for students, workers and all residents in our communities.
New Library/Classroom Building
(approximately 134,000 sf)
New Public Services Center
(approximately 50,000 sf)
New Corporate and Continuing Education
Center (approximately 20,000 sf)
New 3-Story Classroom Building
(approximately 65,000 sf)
Public Services Center Addition/Renovation
– Conversion to College Services
(approximately 5,750 sf addition; 9,246 sf renovation; 3,300 sf storage building
Welding Building Addition/Renovation
(approximately 5,000 sf addition; 8,400 sf renovation)
Industrial Education Building Renovation
(approximately 22,250 sf)

COMPASS 2025 Master Plan – Ongoing Initiatives
(Continuation from 2018 General Obligation Bond)
- Classroom Standardizations
- Next Generation Learning Environments
- Campus Safety and Security
- Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Technology Improvements
- Traffic Infrastructure
- Make the College Feel More Collegiate
- Wayfinding and Signage

COM Bond 2023 Major Work Items and Associated Costs by Phase

Growing our Regional Workforce in a Fiscally Responsible Way

Learn About COM Bond 2023!
Q: Would the proposed tax increase be effective immediately?
A: No. The tax impact on voters is gradual, as bonds are sold over time to fund the phased construction projects.
Q: I am a senior citizen in the COM taxing district. Will my taxes go up because of this bond?
A: Property taxes are not affected for residents 65 and older (or disabled) if the appropriate homestead exemptions are filed.
Q: How can bond funds be used?
A: Funds received through bonds may be used on various capital projects including new construction, renovations, facilities/technological enhancements, etc. They may not be used toward salaries, operational expenses or other maintenance costs.
Q: Would this bond cause an increase in student tuition?
A: No! We’re proud to say that we have not increased student tuition in more than 12 years, and the passage of this bond would not change that.
For a full list of FAQs visit